Shu-Ping Tseng (Sue)I am a molecular ecologist broadly interested in using genetic tools to answer key questions in invasive biology and pest management. In my past research, I have focused on elucidating the invasive history of an ubiquitous household pest, the longhorn crazy ant, and studied the effects and evolutionary consequences of Wolbachia infection in the longhorn crazy ant. I joined the Lee lab in summer 2020 and my current focus is population genetics of pest insects. I will study population dynamics and dispersal patterns of various urban pests such as the Formosan subterranean termite, yellowjackets, Turkestan cockroach and the common bed bug in the Lee Lab.
EDUCATION Doctor of Agricultural Science, 2020 Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Master of Science in Life Science, 2012 National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences, 2009 Tzu Chi University, Hualien, Taiwan Email: shuping.tseng(at) |